KEY Market Points --- TIME-signals
FORECAST – PRICE (cost per tool):
- 5 Min - 8 USD (or 6 EUR, or 250 RUB).
Forecasts for Forex.
- Daily (for nearest month) - 21 USD (or 17 EUR, or 650 RUB).
Forecasts for Forex, Indices, CFD, Metals.
- Weekly (3 months - quarterly) - 34 USD (or 27 EUR, or 1050 RUB).
Forecasts for Forex, Indices, CFD, Metals.
Attention! Due to insufficient historical data, weekly forecasts are not possible for all instruments. Therefore, before you make payment, please send a request to After consideration you will receive an answer about the possibility of Forecast.
Payment Options:
To pay via Moneybookers you must:
send the required amount of money to the address
Attention! Payment must perform in the Euro - EUR.
If you already have an account, sign in Moneybookers. If you do not have an account Moneybookers, you must:
3. Use the above details for the transfer.
2) WebMoney
To pay through Webmoney, transfer money to accounts:
WMZ306735107357 - for transfer in USD,
WME361945879350 - for transfer in EUR,
WMR312468034786 - for transfer in RUB,
WMU230278444688 - for transfer in UAH.
3. Use the above details for the transfer.
The scheme of work:
1) Send to title tool and information that you have paid for the cost of the forecast:
- If you transfer was carried out by MoneyBookers (Skrill) – send your e-mail;
- If you transfer was carried out by WebMoney - send the number of your purse.
2) Ordered forecast sent to your mail.
If the forecast is not possible for any reasons (force majeure, necessary amount of historical data is missing), - the money back.
Risk Warning.
Trading in foreign exchange and other markets is associated with risk. None of the methods of trade does not exclude a certain amount of false signals. All data provided by my technique are made as auxiliary for trading. I give you the facts - TIME-signals about Market KEY Points. Your right - to have an opinion - to enter the market or not.
Author warns of losses in the absence of Stops and failing trading plan.
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